Welcome to InDesign Scripting Resources
I try to add and comment all valuable websites, repositories and sources linked to InDesign Scripting with ExtendScript. The resources in the categories are ordered erratically, give me some time to fix it. Feel free to add your site or any other resource you know. Please file an issues or pull request, I will add the resource.
Forums, Help and API
- [EN] If you need help: The Adobe InDesign Scripting Forum is the first place to go.
- [EN] The indesignjs.de/extendscriptAPI gives an complete overview of the InDesign Doucment Object Model/Scripting API .
- [DE] If you speak german: Mit meinem Buch InDesign automatisieren - Skripting GREP & Co kann man Skripting ganz einfach selber lernen.
- [EN] ExtendScript Wiki by @fabianmoronzirfas with great resources.
- [EN] Adobe Scripting Center has the official Documentation not really up to date :-(
- [EN] jongware.mit.edu InDesign Document Object Model up to CS6.
- [DE] Adobe InDesign Skriptwerkstatt deutschsprachige Hilfe des Forums HilfDirSelbst.
- [EN] InDesign Scripting Made Easy Video Training on InDesign Scripting by Keith Gilbert
- [EN] ExtendScript Github project for ExtendScript Developers - join in!
Overview pages
- [EN] Find free and paid scripts on the Adobe Add-ons page
- [EN] Extensive list of scripts by Stefano Bernardi 105 Must-Have InDesign scripts
- [EN] InDesignSecrets has some of articles about scripts. The overview page is outdated.
- [DE] PublishingBlog from Haeme Ulrich presents Tips and Scripts.
- [EN] Kasyan Servetsky compiled a list of mostly free scripts.
- [EN] Find Scripts on scriptopedia.org.
- [EN] Smashing Magazine has a shiny selection of valuable scripts.
- [EN] Extendables comes with some cool stuff an http.
- [EN] basil-js Computational and generative design using Adobe InDesign
- [EN] Framework to create menus from script folders github.com/ryecroft/RF-InDesign-Extended
- [EN] Interesting Eventmanager ozalto.com
Resources focused on scripting and mostly free stuff
- [EN] kahrel.plus.com Top source of high quality scripts by Peter Kahrel
- [EN] indiscripts.com Advanced Scripting Tips by Marc Autret
- [EN] Full of Infos and advanced stuff by Marijan Tompa aka tomaxxi tomaxxi.com You'll also find the interactive shortcuts guide.
Currently 2016-12-21 only available via archive.org web.archive.org - [EN] in-tools.com nice list of free scripts by Harbs.
- [EN] Some CSV and Datamerge stuff by Loic loicaigon.com
- [EN] Olav Martin Kvern has a selection of free scripts on siliconpublishing.com
- [DE] Skriptsammlung des Forums hilfdirselbst.ch
- [DE] Gerald Singelmann stellt auf indesign-faq.de viele Skripts und Tipps zur Verfügung.
- [DE] indesignscript.de Kurze Skripting Einführung und Skripte (teilweise kostenpflichtig).
- [DE] indesignblog.com etwas veralteter Blog zur Automatisierung von Gregor Fellenz.
- [RU] ExtendScript Tools & Libraries and ScriptUI Builder by SlavaBuck.
Free Scripts or Projects
- [DE] Interessante Helferlein z.B. Highlight GREP rolanddreger.net
- [EN] Jongware Autoformat Tables jongware.com
- [EN] Get InDesign Pie Charts sobolewski.biz
- [RU] Another Pie Chart https://sites.google.com/a/lapay.biz/www/pie_charts_wizard
- [EN] Calendar wizard http://calendarwizard.sourceforge.net/
- [EN] Fontcatalog erstellen http://kid.net78.net/?p=174
- [DE] FontCatalog.jsx erstellt einen Schriftkatalog typomedia.org/adobe/indesign/fontcatalog
- [EN] Rapidly create folios using a PDF-to-InDesign script adobe.com/devnet/digitalpublishingsuite
- [EN] Create Barcodes in InDesign github.com/skilldrick/id_barcode
- [EN] press.matthewmariani.us interesting crossmedia scripts
- [EN] Games and ideas from an FH Potsdam university class on scripting fabianmoronzirfas.github.io
- [EN] InDesign scripts for bookdesigners github.com/GitBruno/Novelty and brunoherfst.com
- [EN] A toolbox of short scripts github.com/jpobojewski/InDesign-Toolbox
- [EN] Merging InDesign Filessimonwiscombe.com/indesign-merging-all-files/
- [DE] Hans Haesler Script Collection www.fachhefte.ch
- [EN] JSXBIN to JSX Converter from https://github.com/autoboosh/jsxbin-to-jsx-converter
- [EN] Collection of little script helpers https://github.com/certainlyakey/Indesign-scripts
- [EN] Some InDesign Extendscript Examples by mindboard
- [EN] Data Merge to Unique Name ID/PDF script by Colin Flashman
- [EN] [FR] [DE] Script for calculating in InDesign tables Calculus by Alban Dubreuil via Rainer Klute
- [PL] Some free workflow Scripts by Henryk Jursz
- [EN] Nice little helpers like Fit Page to selection by Sergey Anosov
Mostly paid stuff
- [EN] InDesign Scripts for Long Documents id-extras.com
- [EN] Helpful stuff for converting .indd files to .epub github.com/makeBetterEBooks
- [EN] Kerntiff has an interesting Link Management and HTML Baker Export kerntiff.co.uk
- [EN] Digital publishing pack and some free stuff gilbertconsulting.com
- [EN] Verison Control für InDesign github.com/smorodsky/radish
- [EN] Little scripting collectin, correct fractions. danrodney.com
- [EN] InDesign to HTML5 und some other stuff ajarproductions.com
- [EN] Multi Find Change and more from Martinho da Gloria http://www.automatication.com
- [EN/RU] Create Dialog with ScriptUIBuilder scriptuibuilder.com
- [EN] Long document stuff http://www.freelancebookdesign.com/scripts
- [DE] Einige Skripte von Andreas Imhof z.B. den Hidden Text Detective http://aiedv.ch
- [EN] Smart Paste and more to come. renanascripts
Outdated but valuable
- [EN] jsid.blogspot.de/ Dave Saunders was one of the first InDesign scripting pages
- [EN] Still important stuff by Dirk Becker www.ixta.com
- [EN] EPUB Export scripts http://epubsecrets.com/epub-indesign-scripts.php
- [EN] EPUB Index up to CS6 http://www.wrightinformation.com/Indesign%20scripts/Indesignscripts.html
- [EN] Apple- and JavaScript Books and content about CS4 Scripting by Shirley Hopkins